The Life Academy

Empowerment Coaching

Work one-to-one to overcome the roadblocks that are holding you back from emotional balance & personal fulfilment.

Inheritance Coaching

Inheritance Coaching

We empower younger generations to be prudent wealth owners. This could include financial empowerment or managing a recent inheritance.
Wealth & Wellness Coaching

Wealth & Wellness Coaching

Wealth is about more than money. We empower individuals to be wealthy in all aspects of wealth, including physical, mindset, emotional and spiritual wealth.
Overall Wellness

Overall Wellness

In today’s fast-paced world, it is easy to get out of balance. Over the long term, this can negatively impact our health, our relationships and the quality of our lives. We provide empowerment coaching to be in balance in all aspects of wellbeing.
Physical Wellbeing

Physical Wellbeing

The Life Academy empowers individuals to take care of themselves, including their physical wellbeing to manage stress and live a healthy life with purpose and enjoyment.
Mindset Coaching

Mindset Coaching

Our thoughts create our emotion, which creates our reality. The Life Academy empowers individuals to break their negative thought patterns, to develop a growth mindset and to live in abundance.
Spiritual Wellbeing

Spiritual Wellbeing

We are all made of energy and there is more to humans than our physical and mental being. Our coaches empower individuals to reconnect to themselves and a greater source to find inner peace.
Emotional Wellbeing

Emotional Wellbeing

The emotions we feel on a regular basis create our reality. We empower individuals to master their emotions and learn to use them to live with purpose and abundance.
Finding Happiness

Finding Happiness

It is so easy to get stuck in a routine without happiness or waiting for someday when we can start enjoying life. We empower individuals to find happiness and joy to live a fulfilling life now.
Overcoming Fears

Overcoming Fears

We provide empowerment coaching to overcome your long-held fears. Learn what fear is and how to overcome what is holding you back so you can live with more purpose.
Financial Wellbeing

Financial Wellbeing

We provide financial empowerment coaching to enhance your knowledge on financial matters and to increase your confidence in managing your finances.
Achieving Goals

Achieving Goals

Empowerment coaching will help you set goals in all areas of your life and create an empowering vision board to manifest your dreams to become your reality.
Work & Life Balance

Work & Life Balance

We’ve all heard the saying “All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy”. Yet it is so easy to become super focused on success at work, at the expense of other important aspects such as our health and our relationships. We provide coaching on reclaiming the balance and harmony in your life.
Career Coaching

Career Coaching

We provide coaching on achieving career aspirations, climbing the corporate ladder or becoming an impact leader in your business.
Improving Sleep

Improving Sleep

A quality night’s sleep is invaluable for our personal wellbeing. We provide coaching on improving sleep and getting the rest you deserve to live your days with passions.
Wealth & Succession Coaching

Wealth & Succession Coaching

We provide empowerment coaching to enhance your knowledge of managing wealth and succession. We guide you and your family to ensure a smooth transition of wealth to a prepared next generation.
Leadership Coaching

Leadership Coaching

We empower individuals to become an effective impact leader of their own lives or in business from graduate to board level.
Communication Coaching

Communication Coaching

It is important to have good communication with others. We coach on the skills of listening and understanding others to enhance your relationships at work and at home.
Time Management

Time Management

There is one thing in this world that is equal and that’s the time we each have in a day. We coach on managing your time effectively to maximise your productivity and have time for the things you enjoy.
Limiting Beliefs

Limiting Beliefs

We provide coaching to identify the unconscious beliefs that are holding you back. We share techniques to replace those limiting beliefs with new empowering beliefs to make you unstoppable.
Confidence Coaching

Confidence Coaching

We provide coaching to increase your confidence and help you become the best version of yourself. Whether it’s preparing for an event or being more confident in your day-to-day life, our empowering strategies will help you to move on from uncertainty.
Female Empowerment Coaching

Female Empowerment Coaching

We empower women to harness their power so they can be strong, independent and to nurture those around them.
Peak Performance Coaching

Peak Performance Coaching

We provide coaching on becoming a high performer in all aspects of your life, so you can live with purpose and success. We help you identify and enhance your strengths and increase your overall productivity.
Finding Purpose

Finding Purpose

Access coaching to empower you to find your true calling, identify your unique purpose, and manifest the life of your dreams.
Quitting A Negative Habit

Quitting A Negative Habit

We coach on disrupting your unconscious behaviour patterns to release yourself from the negative habits that are holding you back.